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Showing posts from September, 2018

Hallowed Hair - Touch Response

"Besides being sexy to most people, head hair protects the brain from the sun's heat and ultraviolet rays, helps to insulate the skull, softens impact, and constantly monitors the world only a hair's breadth away from our body, that circle of danger and romance we allow few people to enter." Hair pg. 87 When reading this sentence, I had the mental image of hair being a kind of halo. Frequently in art,  holy figures are crowned with a halo.  This circle of light acts as shield. Since the halos frequently don't overlap, a set distance is created between the figures in the image. In some ways this happens in day to day life as well. Hair is not something that most individuals permit others to casually touch, like some people do with handshakes or hugs. In this way it creates an unspoken halo of personal space, which I depicted in a literal way, drawing inspiration of holy figures in art of the past.

Healing - Touch Response

"Not only do we long to know how fast we can run, how high we can jump, how long we can hold our breath under water - we also like to keep checking these limits regularly to see if they've changed. Why? What difference does it make?" Pain pg. 101-102 After reading this quote from the section discussing pain, I made the very poor decision to not reapply sunscreen at the beach, thinking I'd be fine. I was absolutely wrong and ended up with a horrible sunburn on my back. When I began brainstorming pieces to create, I looked at the quotes I underlined while reading and this one struck me since it very much mimicked my reality. I chose to create this piece as a print because it would allow me to produce the exact same image as many times as I wanted.  I repeated the image of the female back in red ink three times without reapplying the ink so that the image would fade to mimic how my sunburn faded as it healed. As much as I'd like to think I've learned fro